Daughters of the king were so blessed by mighty women of Valor from different parts of the world. Oh yes it was awesome.
Hosted by The Promise Christian Cathedral Church Ruti Mbarara Uganda. The Lead Pastor And His beautiful wife did a tremendous job of mobilizing women to come for these three fix me Jesus days.
The She Beings were fixed, so they can never forget the day God Visited them greatly with His fixing tools.
Pastor Solomon Cater Thank you so much for supporting a woman.
The Women groups of Mbarara region thank you so much for coming together and believing that God Can Fix a She Being. We Love you and looking forward to impacting a She Being together because together we can make that deference that God wants to see us doing.
Great thanks go to our wonderful great guests who God Chose this time around to bless His Daughters.
Elder Fletcher an author and minister in the kingdom of God who streamed live from Atlanta - USA on the 2nd and 3rd day, carried a powerful word from GOD to His Daughters.
She encouraged us so much to keep smiling and motivated because God Loves us so much. The God of all human race is the same God who has the whole world in his hands she said. she encouraged us to put everything in God’s hands what so ever the situation.
Pastor Fletcher not only carried great words to fix the she being she also gave out birthday gifts to the May born babies. Hooo hooo it was really awesome. She gave out books wooow knowledge and serious wisdom was shared at this conference. Thank you so much Elder Fletcher. Everyone says thank you so much and they send greetings and thank u so much once again for the birthday gifts. GOD Bless you so much.
Pastor Elizabeth Kabuye blessed the Ladies with a great word, prayed for everyone for a fix. We thank GOD for this Power-full Woman Of GOD.
Mama Africa Pastor Anna Otedde was also in the house. The great woman of GOD from Pallisa Uganda. GOD used her so mightily to fix His Daughters what an awesome moment we had in his presence.
Without forgetting Pastor Elizabeth from Buteranilo Mbarara a great chosen anointed woman, a living testimony herself God used her to bless and pray for the women and pray with them pleading for a fix in every area in their lives.
We Bless The Lord for using women to bless each other.
We also had Beatrice Tumusiime a great vessel God is using to bless a She Being. She deeply spoke to the women, erasing serious ignorance out of their spirit and mind.
We were also blessed to have the powerful gospel musicians who blessed us through their music God Bless You So Much Rebecca, Richard Balikoowa, Damascus Da OB & Kanyonza Group.
How can we forget the great man of God and his beautiful wife Pastor Solomon Cater. the one who hosted the event May the Lord enlarge your territory sir, heaven knows what you doing. All the sacrifices can’t go in vain. we love you and looking forward to expanding the kingdom of God together in Jesus Name.
What an awesome moment we had. We had an audience of more that 300 Persons that included she beings from the age of 13 years.
Our Sanitary Pads project was also activated giving out pads to all daughters of the king . It was awesome sharing all of that. great thanks goes to Maka Pads for partnering with us in this initiative. Oh women shared a cake. that marked the 1st Annual Woman Of Valor conference in mbarara. the women were so encouraged and are hoping for the 2nd Annual Woman Of Valour Mbarara Uganda by God’s Grace.
The Porter is doing all He can To Fix the product. ‘You’... you are next to be fixed ... Join Us , follow us , connect as God does great things through women.
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