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How The Great Powerful 4 Days Conference In Nairobi - Kenya Went Down.

The SHE Global’s Annual Woman Of Valour Conference that took place in Nairobi Kenya at Christ Gathering Family International Ministries was an event to remember. 

We were blessed to have a lineup of different guests from different parts of Africa who are passionate about the woman and can help to lift up the spirit of the SHEbeing . 
As a Woman, encouragements and motivations from different guests from Kenya, Uganda and other parts of the continent were shared. You can become what you want to be nothing can stop you. 

Learn to Tell your story … Be Proud …it will motivate anybody. You will change a soul without your knowledge In Jesus Name.
Women were impacted in different aspects, they were prayed for so much. The conference was so powerful and deliverance took place, destinies changed, marriage relationships were prayed for and other relationships too. 

On day one we had guests who spoke to the women, some women came with their partners which showed support from men in Nairobi.

Percie Patience Mbowa - Founder & Vision Bearer Of The SHE Global

Knowledge was shared a lot from the bible About The women of valor like Esther, Ruth, the proverbs 31 woman, Deborah the prophetess and many other figures who are hard to be ignored in getting guidance as a woman who really wants a U-turn in life. 

Knowing that u have a purpose to fulfill is vital, A deep relationship with GOD always helps to realize why you were sent on earth. Deborah the prophetess was a wonderful wife and a great leader. because she realized that she had a purpose to fulfill not just being a wife, GOD used her mightily to lead his people of Israel.

A woman like Esther realized that she had a purpose to fulfill, and with boldness, she risked to  meet the king at the time no one was to meet the king unless summoned even if it was the queen. She said if I perish I perish I have to meet the king to save my people, and by GOD’S grace, Esther was clothed with favor in the eyes of the great king by the LORD and he really met her need.

Esther 5 –The Courage of Esther  
When a woman has a deeper relationship with GOD, her status will change to the woman of valour because with GOD as her guide, she will know her purpose, she will be a great wife to her husband as well as a great leader in whatever position GOD created her or built her to be in.

Deep relation with God yields a lot in and out it helps to grow spiritually and physically .a woman like  Hannah,had a great deeper relationship with GOD whatever personal issues she had she drove deeper and closer to GOD and in the end, since our GOD is not man lie, he answered her prayer of having a child who he built or created to be a great leader of Israel.

 The annual SHE Global woman of valor conference was an amazing time for the Shebeing, had a wonderful time with ministers from different walks of life, we had a minister from Uganda Pr. Milly Nassolo who spoke to the ladies and really impacted them a lot, we thank God that some women
attended the conference with their loved ones and this really made a great impact to the people of Kenya. 

Pr. Milly Nassolo - Uganda
Pr. Tryphosa from Kenya was also part of the event she joined the ladies on the 4th day of the woman of valour conference which was the last day of it, GOD used her mightily to speak to the Women and their loved ones. a lot of knowledge was shared ,women prayed together , worshiped and praised the LORD together , shared drinks and eats for a great connection and relationship. 

Pst. Tryphosa Murithi
Apostle Erick and Flaver Owiso were also among the people who GOD used to bless the women in the WOV Conference, the senior pastors of Christ Gathering Family International Ministries Nairobi Kenya led prayers , led the praise and worship team during the conference and it was really powerful , put the conference on fire of God. Great thanks go the Christ Gathering Family Members in Kenya for all the contributions and all the support given for the success of The SHE Global Woman Of Valour Conference. 

Apostle Erick Owiso

God's Servant Flavier Owiso
 Pastor Kevin Oboya joined the women and GOD used him mightly to pray for the Shebeing.

Pr. Kevin Oboya

Pastor Kiyaya Stephene was also among the powerful men of GOD who blessed the Women in the conference. 

Pr. Kiyaya Stephen

A woman is a special companion who GOD chose to come and help a male being to complete whatever the LORD put in him. She is a well formed being who was formed from flesh, the flesh of man – Genesis 2:21. When GOD created man from dust, he never went back to dust to form a woman. he instead decided to get a woman from flesh of man he made him sleep and took out his rib and formed a special being who man later named woman. 

Beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully made a woman has a great purpose on earth that when realized, the world becomes a great better place to live in.

The SHE Global
Thanks All The Women And The Men Who Attended The 2nd Annual Woman Of Valour 2020 Conference In Nairobi – Kenya And We Can’t Wait To Let You Know Of The Next Event That We Shall Be Holding Anytime Soon. 

We Would Love To Reach The Women All Over The World And Hold More Conferences In Any Country That God Will Send Us To That’s Why We Would Like You To Get Involved And Support The SHE Global By Volunteering Or Donating Now On Our Website. –

God Bless You.